Mmmn unexpected catgirl ass and titties 🤤🥺
A cute kitty with interests including philosophy, mathematics, programming, Linux, and sysadmin.
Mmmn unexpected catgirl ass and titties 🤤🥺
That’s cool! I was so into this when I was a kid…
I think 日本語のアニメ is the most natural way to put it.
The other options don’t make sense or don’t communicate what you want. Specifically, 日本語でアニメ is not a noun phrase and instead basically means “with/via Japanese, anime,” which is ambiguous. The other option means “anime of Japan,” which does not mean “Japanese anime.”
An important thing to remember here is that の does not necessarily mean “of” in English, but just indicates possession. For instance, in FMAB, Al introduced himself as 弟のアルフォンス, which sounds like “Alphonse of younger brother” if you try to translate it directly, but it’s just saying that he is “Alphonse the younger brother.” You can use の for a lot of things.
Finally, I will add that you can use の after other particles as well, but this is not always necessary or natural. In this case, 日本語でのアニメ would sound like “in-Japanese anime,” which is what you originally wanted to say in your suggested edit. However, this is unnecessary, as jus using の alone communicates what you want, and adding the で actually makes it sound weird because that’s only used when you’re using the language for something, not when something happens to be written in the language or contain audio in it.
I hope this helps you understand Japanese a little more. 日本語の勉強を頑張ってください!
Finally, I can stop paying for my opossum milk!!